Beginning late 2007, trees planting has been a regular activity at every significant rain event.
While Pongamia Pinnata predominates (because long-term local energy needs are planned to be met by its seeds) these trees stand in a bio diverse campus. This is a deliberate and conscious choice. There are trees of direct utility yes, such as for fruits and timber, but there are several planted only for their fragrance, flowers and fruits for birds.
By clicking the link below you have a nearly complete list of major trees as of Jan, 2012.»List of trees
There are 89 species making up a total of 815 trees of various ages.
Not included are tens of Neem, hundreds of Glyricidia, a few naturally growing teak and so on. Also not listed are a vast number of plants along our fence lines, amounting to at least ten more species.
From the section under Outcomes>Food, you will notice our food production, modest though it is, comprises of over 36 species.
Add to all the above, the vast numbers of weeds and close to the ground plants we can scarcely name [- by the way, documenting the plant species at pR would be a great opportunity for an enthusiastic botanist].
We also leave alone about half an acre distributed over 3 areas, as natural reserves that teem with flora and fauna.
We are committed to keep increasing the biodiversity of pointReturn.
Click this link for a list of trees in pointReturn as of 2012.